Documents List :
Documents required by Indian Embassy, Consulate for Recruitment of Indian Personnel in Group :
- Power of Attorney ( In Duplicate )
- Demand Letter
- Specimen Work Agreement for each category of personnel ( In Duplicate )
- Undertaking in case of un-skilled / semi-skilled workers
- Company’s contact details and brief history. (All the above documents need to be printed Company’s / Employer’s Letterhead )
- Permit from Indian Mission in country of Employment
- Scanned copy of Valid License (Registration Certificate) of the Indian Recruiting Agent.
- Original Trade License / C.R. of Company in country of Employment and one photocopy thereof.
- Permit / Approval from the Ministry of Labour / Naturalization and Residency Department / Free Zone Authority with English translation
- Photocopy of the passport of the authorized signatory of the company.
- Legal Authorization of the sponsor in case paper signed other than sponsor.
Demand Letters
L & T
Know all menby these present that L & T
organized under the Laws of Bahrain do
hereby appoint M/s Golden Manpower
Consultants to be their true and lawful
attorney and agent in respect of handling
all the affairs with Ministry of Labour,
War Individuals & Social Affairs in
connection with recruitment of workers
for our Riffa Views projects in Bahrain.